A band from Greece with a Russian name, singing in English, named after a fantasy novel by a Russian author. How does all of that fit together? And how is it connected to their debut EP’s cover design featuring a raven and a blackbird in front of a pyramidal rock formation? I, for once, have no idea. Someone will have to enlighten me, because otherwise I’m inclined to think that some of the above was chosen with the thought in mind of what might sell well.

Nochny Dozor (Night Watch) are from Athens and were founded in 2015. The novel by Russian fantasy author Sergei Lukyanenko they are named after has as subject the everlasting fight between the forces of the Dark and the Light and the fate of individuals caught in between. The subject, while very interesting, especially the fact whether the individuals involved have a choice, is not explored much further. The lyrics have the vagueness and blandness of pop music and contain all too familiar images and phrasing (“flying to the edge of the road”, “wings that fly high”). L’art pour l’art is fine with me, but your art has got to be saying something. If this has a message, it isn’t communicated properly.

The EP has predominantly ambient soundscapes, sometimes with a touch of pop, sometimes with heavy guitars and a doomy feel. I like the heavier tracks, like for example All Mine, better, not because I’m a metalhead, but because they have more substance. The focus of the music and the production are clearly the dual female vocalists. This is most evident in the second track Stains, which has minimal musical accompaniment. The vocals are strong, probably professionally trained, and of a naturally darker kind. The singers’ English has a foreign accent, but that’s actually fine, since it provides character. I can well imagine that it might be impressive to see the band and their two vocalists perform live, but rather in a concert hall than in an underground club.

In summary, Nochny Dozor appears to be a half product. They might be onto something, but they’re not quite there yet. Fans of strong, female vocals might want to give this a listen.

(5/10 Slavica)

