SuperfleshI’ve never heard of Superflesh before, but when the review list came out and I saw the PR description – Musically a parade of the gay bits of Judas Priest and Turbonegro but much butcher” and “Manly music for manly men”, I was sold on it. After all, when a band describes themselves as the “Village People of Punk”, surely it’s worth a listen? I

Opening with “Kings of the street” you see where the ‘gay bits’ come from. It sounds like a twisted merging of Bryan Adams with the dramatic and flair filled bits of Judas Priest, complete with gang vocals, upbeat sounding synths and lyrics like “Cruising through the night, with mullets waving high”, it’s clearly a band who are enjoying what they do. I found myself smirking along as the song went on with its more ‘manly’ radio-friendly rock feel, even including a moody vocal break before a twisting solo which leads back into the chorus for the big ending which has that powerful riff feel.

“Mustaschio” starts off with a synth-styled bassline over a simple drum beat. As the vocals come in, they have a bit more bite than the last song but it still has that tongue-in-cheek vibe with “hey-ey-ey-eyy-yeah” and “woah-oh-oho-oooh-ah’s” in the chorus. It’s got a decent feel to it which you can nod along to and if drunk enough, perhaps headbang along to. In all, a catchy little number. The instrumental section halfway through is well timed and it shows the lead guitarist’s ability off well and towards the end of the song there is a key-change which works great!

“We’re gonna S.F all over you” is the third track of this EP and it starts off with a kind of indie-rock vibe to it with the guitar line, but it’s got more balls to it than your average parker-jacket and telecaster wielding muppet song. Kicking up to be more punky in its feel, the song goes on and once again, the silliness in parts is brilliant, especially with lyrics talking about “Super Fleshing in your face!”

Closing the EP is “Godzilla Jesus”. It starts off acoustic before going into a Turbonegro styled sound at first. It’s got a funk-filled groove to it in the verses and in the chorus bits, it adds the Turbonegro styled kick in to up the pace and the drama. Lyrically, it talks about Jesus turning into some kind of superhero Godzilla, the ‘hero of the wasteland’ and then battling Satan, which is rather amusing. Breaking to a more dramatic section with more dirt to it over the clean guitar parts, it has a weird eastern vibe to it which works quite well as the song returns to the acoustic intro styled passage to end it.

On the whole, this EP is a fun 14-minutes and it’s worth a listen or two just to see what it sounds like. The tongue-in-cheek humour is great and the songs aren’t too shabby either! I just wish there was a few more tracks on it!

(6.5/10 Fraggle)