NecroholocausCanada. What a beautiful country. Full of mountains, lush woodland and bears & shit. Well I thought it was, however any country capable of spawning a band like Necroholocaust must be a desolate wasteland, full of rabid axe wielding satanic mutants playing ice-hockey with nuns jawbones….. This band do not sing anthemic odes to the snowy north or have any nancy boy acoustic interludes with some miserable bird wailing over the top…. No sir, make no mistake, this is some of the most bestial, blasting blackened death you will ever put in your ears.

Formerly a studio only project the band have since developed into a full on live bombardment and after 11 years of splits and demos these evil bastards have unleashed their debut full length of complete and utter blasphemous blackgrinding ultra-violence!

This band is the real underground deal. ‘Holocaustic Goat Metal’ comprises  two tracks, each clocking in at just over 20 minutes, ‘Side 1’ & ‘Side 2’.  According to the promo material each ‘side’ is in fact split into further tracks but the whole thing works as a totally immersive, brutal experience. Not to be picked up and put down like you would other records – this album demands you listen to it the whole way through to get the most from it.

I totally loved it from the word go – the simple repetitive riffing of Grimlord Of Atomic Nuclear Hate and tribal drum patterns of Bloodlust Abominator Of Ritual War Incantations and driving rhythms of Goatplague Messiah’s bass pound you into a trance like state bludgeoning you senseless with the beast like vocals of Black Plague Of War And Disease barking commands, reminding you exactly who is in fucking charge. Evil Evil Evil and I fucking love it.

(8.5/10 Mark Eve)