RainItalian hard rock band release an album of unplugged tracks with a Mexican theme.  Hmmmmmmmm. Like  having a chianti with your chimichanga. I was sceptical and it turns out with good reason.

Rain are an accomplished hard rock band who have chosen to celebrate a recent trip to Mexico with an unplugged (mostly) album of their favourite tracks from South of the Border (or that at least mention Mayheeco).

The album opens with Mexican Way which sounds like the sort of tosh that was playing in the Titty Twister in Dusk til Dawn but without the Nu Metal (titty) twist.  Second track Hard Proof is sub Jovi junk which did nothing to warm me to this tortilla of twaddle.

Eleven Days and Fallen Angel continue in the same vein whilst also adding Eurovision and Poison influences to the soup.

What comes next simply blows me away with its cringe inducing power. Ride Like the Wind complete with bongos and comical vocals really has to be heard to be believed.  If Phoenix Nights had ever featured a rock group Rain would have been it. They make Roland Rivron’s Raw Sex sound like Emperor.  I am sure Rain have many fans throughout the world who appreciate what these chaps do. They can certainly play and have plenty of passion (nice personalities naar mean?).

These mean hombres cover Gilby Clarke’s Tijuana Jail and give it a good go. The guitarist gives it his all but the Sorry meeester officer chorus grates from the get go.

Whitemoon follows and in Spinal Tap fashion I can only say Shitemoon.

Love in the Back has an Aerosmith vibe and a bass groove which has my head swaying a little before descending into a country and western solo.  Nothing so far is new just a bunch of sub G n R tribute band b sides and some stereo typed clichéd ideas of Mexico/ Latin music.

How can it get worse you say.

A fucking Foo Fighters cover! There we go. Booooooooooooooooooooooooooom. Times like These hits my ears like a cluster bomb of razor blades dipped in napalm. Awful just awful.  I feel like giving myself up to the CIA outside my house, then realising that I am choosing to play this and it is not being pumped in as some torture technique.

Finally the journey down Mexico Way is reaching its end . The only thing standing in the way, blocking this border run is Bangbus.  Don’t put the title into google if you are at work !

Bangbus is more of the same sloppy acoustic nonsense.  Just awful.

To quote the rhyme –

“Rain , Rain go away”

(1/10 (cos 0 would cause notoriety) Matt Mason)
