Any band with a name like this is either aiming to be taken light heartedly or just plain doesn’t give a shit what people feel about them. I can’t imagine ever wearing a shirt with Dick Tator on the front, can you? Bearing that in mind one would mistakenly consider this band as being German judging by the typography and industrialised styling incorporated but instead this band resides in neighbouring country Belgium and prefer to hit the listener with groove laden riffs with more than a mechanistic nod to Rammstein such is the marching thread that weaves through this EP.

The opening riff to “Ob(s)es(s)ed” has a catchy hook and is a diatribe against obesity and the people it affects. I did struggle with the vocals which have an indie monophonic Germanic tone, possibly similar to Danzig and even some old goth outfits. The bands penchant for repetition is obvious with the riff repeating continually very rarely veering off course apart from the occasional break point for a fill. Lyrically this cuts to the chase such as ‘Stop Eating… Go Running’ being a prime example. Into “No Care” and the riff style changes only marginally with the same tempo being used as well. Again it’s rather catchy but simplistic offering little in the way of ambition or complexity.

By the time “Bite” arrives the vocals really do have a grating feel for me even though the riffing is fairly heavy utilising a slow double kick to emphasise the density. Quite whether this would appeal to anyone within the spectrum of metal is highly debatable and whilst I did enjoy the riffs and the repeating nature there is little on offer with its steadfast beat, not even the dig at mainstream music on the closing track gave me anything to rave about.

(5/10 Martin Harris)